“The process” is a big buzz term in the art world. Like so many specialty areas, jargon specific and often unique to those endeavors – nomenclature – is the language used to describe activities within those disciplines. Usually you can find a corollary word or words in another field or every day speech that means the same thing. As with the medical profession’s term “stat” (from the Latin, statim), in layman’s lingo it means “now” or “quick”. In meteorology, “Polar… Read more »

Hoarding a chaotic slew of stuff isn’t in character for me. It would interfere with my congenital need for orderliness, organization and visual harmony. Clutter is a visual assault on my aesthetic senses. My eyeballs hurt when I see it and messes disturb my brain. I can’t help it, don’t apologize for it, but do fully embrace my need for visual rapport. I even have six key words I subscribe to and do my best to live by listed on… Read more »

Creativity is a product of the mind – at least that’s where it originates. The eyes see, the ears hear, the brain assimilates and often a creative idea is hatched. Once imagined the idea needs to be nurtured to become something of substance. An art studio is an incubator of sorts where those creative ideas are nurtured. I turned to Wikipedia to learn the origin of the word studio. They indicate it evolved from the Italian studio which is derived… Read more »